Core Values

  • Invest in People – We care about maximizing the value of, and improving the experience for, each individual stakeholder, whether they are employees of an organization, their clients, or the larger community the organization serves.
  • Honor Diversity and Inclusion – Our focus on equity helps clients consider the wide range of lived experiences present at the table, and foster a sense of belonging–making room for all to feel seen, heard, and supported to create a climate of inclusion and belonging.
  • Increase Organizational Effectiveness – When clients understand how to create inclusive organizational cultures that offer staff and students agency, autonomy, purpose, and a sense of belonging, organizations improve. People want to be there, and they take ownership of the work with which they are entrusted.

Create Belonging through Courageous and Authentic Leadership – We approach this work as top-down and bottom-up. We start by supporting organizational leaders in creating and acting on a vision and developing their capacity. At the same time, we work to equip other team members with the skills, tools, and knowledge to work towards a shared vision.